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Lunar Rabbit

 As I searched for the rabbit
 the moons shadow followed
 the star gate opened
 and in I was swallowed
 Infinite dreams
 instant coalescence
 labyrinthine abstracts
 refined to the essence
 Frightened yet intrigued
 I released my control
 in that state of allowance  
 I became one with the whole
 I am the looking glass
 it couldn't be clearer
 as well as the dark and the light  
 on both sides of the mirror
 Subject and observer
 are tricks of perspective
 alter the angle
 now that is reflective
 The trick is that kids know
 what the grown have forgot
 you were born with this wisdom
 and it was untaught  
 You needed a nap
 until you could accept
 what comes with this knowledge
 which from you has been kept
 Before you all along
 in plain visibility
 yet you remain blind
 unless worth responsibility
 Open your eyes
 and awaken to purpose
 you've been submerged
 but are breaching the surface
 Arise now those that hear  
 the sound of these words
 like the sweet songs
 of three little birds
 Like a little red rooster
 remember how to crow
 like the light that you are
 fucking LET IT GLOW
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