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Nursery Key

Row, row, row your boat 
down the Aquarian stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily
no different than a dream

Break, break, break on through
though the doors ajar
Spiraling, spiraling, spiraling
a twinkling little star

Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle light
the diamond in the sky
Fly, fly Icarus
the Son will get too high

Drop, drop, drop like rain
wash the spider out
Turn, turn, turn yourself
that's what it's all about

Climb, climb, climb again
Sysiphus rolls the rock
Striking one, striking one
down he runs the clock

Round, round, round we go
weasel outruns the monkey
Pop, pop goes it all
when you turn the Fun Key

White, white, white as snow
the Lamb that followed Mary
the Rose arose above the Earth
the truth could not stay buried

Weave, weave, the spiders weave
when the Owl's asleep
Sheepishly, sheepishly 
the tail is hard to keep

Late, late, very late
the shadow chased the hare
Rumbly, rumbly, tummy tum
the honey finds the bear

Gold, gold, Goldilocks
slept in baby's bed
Grandma, grandma your eyes so big
the better to see you red

Paint, paint, paint the Rose
before the petals drop
Round and round we go
the weasels about to pop

Burn, burn, burn the bird
she rises from the ashes
Waving at waves she waves
into the shore she crashes

Flood, flood, flood the field
I sea the particles are parted
the duel develops into dance
when each step is Light hearted
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Lunar Rabbit

 As I searched for the rabbit
 the moons shadow followed
 the star gate opened
 and in I was swallowed
 Infinite dreams
 instant coalescence
 labyrinthine abstracts
 refined to the essence
 Frightened yet intrigued
 I released my control
 in that state of allowance  
 I became one with the whole
 I am the looking glass
 it couldn't be clearer
 as well as the dark and the light  
 on both sides of the mirror
 Subject and observer
 are tricks of perspective
 alter the angle
 now that is reflective
 The trick is that kids know
 what the grown have forgot
 you were born with this wisdom
 and it was untaught  
 You needed a nap
 until you could accept
 what comes with this knowledge
 which from you has been kept
 Before you all along
 in plain visibility
 yet you remain blind
 unless worth responsibility
 Open your eyes
 and awaken to purpose
 you've been submerged
 but are breaching the surface
 Arise now those that hear  
 the sound of these words
 like the sweet songs
 of three little birds
 Like a little red rooster
 remember how to crow
 like the light that you are
 fucking LET IT GLOW
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Roots don’t fear the dark

  My roots run hella deep
 prepared to stand the ground
 steady growing  in my sleep
 new light will be found
 the higher we strive to reach
 the deeper we must go
 we seek stability
 allow the foundation to grow
 roots don't fear no darkness
 rocksteady through the night
 Lucid iS the Dreamer
 the word becomes the light
 breath brings the earth to life
 changing is a breeze
 the blowing of the branches  
 is strengthening the trees
 bending will not break me
 reflect and let it leave
 enjoy the process of release
 let the spirit breath
 allow with no wieght
 the fruition of your dreams
 shining through the pillars
 waving through the beams
 clapping from the rafters
 the raptor flaps the feather
 the flock serves the shepherd
 in time it comes together
 right now is the only moment
 be present for the gift
 the reason you come down here
 is to give someone a lift
 arise now weightless
 rested and revived
 as we soar new heights
 from the depths we have dived
 fearless in flight  
 now swim to the star
 riding the serpent  
 becoming jaguar
 laugh out in blossoms
 faithfully bloom
 unbridle your passion
 bonsai when you groom 
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Think before speaking

I heard you say a whole lot 
but what did you express
if there's nothing of substance
please save yourself some breath

You can say it loudest
and you can say the most
but you should focus on the medicine
before determining the dose

Did you diagnose 
the condition accurately
were you patient in your approach
or head in too rapidly

Could you benefit 
from reevaluation
to initiate
the minds dilation 

Broadening the scope
of your consideration
permitting the supplementary

Data coalesces
to form novel notions
new creatures from the depths 
of your subconscious ocean  

Speak it in the mind
prior to the word
the wise man listens
the fool is only heard